Thursday, October 9, 2014

3 Things Every Student Needs To Do In University

University marks the transition from the organized life of school and the responsibilities of adulthood. This is the time for young adults to gain the knowledge and skills required for their careers and future. It is also the perfect time to explore everything from different courses to countries
While you had everything planned for you during your school years, university gives you more freedom and independence, especially if you live on your own. At the same time, you don’t have the responsibilities of managing your career and expenses like an adult. This is the best time for you to try new things to help you grow as a person. We have compiled a list of 10 things every undergraduate should try before they graduate university!
1. Take an elective for fun
Universities usually offer (or even require) a certain number of elective classes. This is a great way for you to test your areas of interest without any serious commitments. With courses ranging from the regular introductory level Accounting and Maths to the more novel ones like Physics of Music and Forensic Science, there is always a class you have wanted to take for fun but never had the time. Whether you are a business student wondering how environmental sciences classes are, or an architect hoping to explore sociology classes, you should take an elective that’s completely different from your course of study. Not only will it help broaden your foundations and the limits of thinking, employers will consider your versatility and well-roundedness as an advantage. Who knows, you might even find your passion!

2. Live on campus
Some students go to university in their hometowns and live at home; many international students also prefer to rent a room or an apartment with friends instead of living in the dorms on campus. While dorms aren’t the poshest of places, they teach students many important life skills. You will learn to appreciate and adjust to what you have. You will learn how well (or not) you interact with other students under stress (like exams, or 8am classes). Living on campus will be a learning experience that not only teaches you independence but also co-dependence. Even if situations don’t work out as expected, you will learn to make the best of it.

3. Don’t be afraid of new experiences
While university itself is already a new experience and you may already be outside your comfort zone, it is important to constantly challenge yourself. Sometimes you will surprise yourself with how much you love certain new experiences. Veering outside your comfort zone helps you develop as a person and find new passions, hobbies and interests. It will also help you determine what kind of activities aren’t for you. As a university student, you have more time than you will when you’re working. It is the right time to explore a new area of the city, eat at that restaurant you always walk past because it’s next to your favourite restaurant, or even try out a dance style you could never imagine yourself doing. Even if you’re trying out something alone, chances are, a lot of people around you are also doing the same. The best thing about new experiences is that they are a great way to meet people.

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